
Grade Calculator


Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will clarify how your data is stored, and which purpose it serves.

I am not really familiar with legal matters, there is probably a lot of stuff missing here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me:dev@nstr.dev

What data is collected?

  • Your username (that you use on the service provider you sign in with, e. g. Discord)
  • Your email address
  • Your avatar
  • Your grades, subjects and settings (the stuff you add on this web app)

How is your data used?

Your data is used to provide you with the services offered on this web app. It is stored securely and will not be shared with any third party.

How is your data stored?

Your data is stored in a database, hosted on a server located in Austria.

Can I delete my account and all associated data?

Yes, you can delete your account and all associated data at any time inside the web app. You can also request a data deletion by contacting me via email: dev@nstr.dev

Your code is not secure enough for my needs and I do not trust you with my data.

You are free to use the legacy version of this web app, which does not store any data on a server.

Legacy Version


We use cookies

We only use cookies necessary for this site to work. For more information, please check our cookie policy.